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HoofcareToday.com is an information and education based website with tons of great videos and supporting material that will help you navigate your way through the art and science of hoof care. Below is a list of episodes that were featured on RFDTV during "The Horse Show" with Rick Lamb. Please enjoy!
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Episode #1 - How do I know if my horse's foot is balanced?
Episode #2 - What is Navicular Disease?
Episode #3 - Who should use a hoof stand?
Episode #4 - What is the best hoof angle for my horse?
Episode #5 - Why should I care about leverage reduction?
Episode #6 - Can all horses go barefoot?
Episode #7 - Is it bad if my horse is pigeon-toed?
Episode #8 - Do horseshoes cause lameness?
Episode #9 - How can I tell if my horse's feet are normal?
Episode #10 - How can I get my horse to grow more heel?
Episode #11 - What is the most common lameness today?
Episode #12 - Are my horse's feet supposed to match?
Episode #13 - Do we humans cause lameness in horses?
Episode #14 - Horsemanship & Horse Handling for your hoofcare provider.
Episode #15 - What is the E.L.P.O.?
Episode #16 - Tying a horse during hoofcare.
Episode #17 - Basic Hoof Preparation for Barefoot Horses.
Episode #18 - Basic Hoof Preparation for Shod Horses.
Episode #19 - KrosschecK, MRI & Stem Cell Therapy.
Episode #20 - Reasons that horses misbehave.
Episode #21 - Lameness Case Study Part 1
Episode #22 - Lameness Case Study Part 2
Episode #23 - Lameness Case Study Part 3
Episode #24 - Lameness Case Study Part 4
Episode #25 - Lameness Case Study Part 5
Episode #26 - Lameness Case Study Part 6