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Therapeutic Hoof Care Products

Welcome to Equicast.com​
Proper Form Creates Proper Function
Proper Function Creates Proper Form
Equicast® products are designed to treat a variety of hoof problems like laminitis, founder, white line disease, ring bone and navicular disease. Our line of EVA Leather, EVA\Wood, and Wooden Therapeutic Shoes, along with Equicast® are an intricate part of our proven therapeutic rehabilitation program. Through a better understanding of hoof mechanics, pathology causes and established product application protocols, we are better able to get quality results that produce healthy and sound horses.

About Us
Contact Us
Equicast® is a Division Equine Digit Support System, Inc. and is a U.S.-based family-owned company that specializes in providing the best hoof care products and information available today. The Equicast® company was started by long time farrier Dave Richards in North Carolina. Dave developed the Equicast® Casting material that has become the gold standard in hoof cast due to it's many special properties and design elements. Equicast® has produced several types of Therapeutic shoes that combined EVA foam, Leather, and Wood in various forms and for a variety of applications. The Equicast® Casting Material and Equicast® Shoes have grown in popularity and breadth of use over the last 10 years because of the amazing results and user-friendly application. In 2019, Equicast® was acquired by Equine Digit Support System, Inc. because it complements their own product lines so well. EDSS is looking forward to continuing the success and growth of the products that Dave has created and nurtured all these years.
15860 State Hwy 115, Penrose, CO 81240
Tel: 719.372.7463
Fax: 719.372.7272